Dental Sealants in aurora, CO

Aurora dental sealants are a thin coating placed on the grooves of permanent molars. This coat creates a shield to protect cavities in hard to reach surfaces. We do most of our chewing with our back teeth. Therefore, they are typically placed on molars due to those being the hardest to clean with just a toothbrush. Sealants are usually first placed around the age of six, which is the average age that we begin to get our first set of adult molars. If you need more information about dental sealants, call our dental office in Aurora today!

Oasis Membership Pricing

Recognizing the challenges of not having dental insurance, at Oasis, we’ve started a dental membership plan designed to make dental care affordable for you and your family.




Non Membership



*Pricing may change based on factors such as taxes, fees, the extent of treatment, and other variables.